The Ark Encounter. Not You Normal Theme Park.
If you are curious about the Biblical account of Noah’s Ark, I have the place for you. A place that brings the story of Noah’s Ark to life. It’s called the Ark Encounter. It’s a full scale replica of the Ark from the Old Testament and seeing its enormity will knock your socks off as they say. Located between Cincinnati, Ohio and Lexington, Kentucky on 75 North is a town called Williamstown, Kentucky. Here you will find the home of the largest free standing wooden frame structure in the world. It appears out of nowhere. It’s really something to see. It cost over 100 million to build.
Ark Encounter opened on July 7, 2016. The date July 7, 2016, (7/7) was chosen to correspond with Genesis 7:7: “And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives entered the ark to escape the waters of the flood.”
Noah’s ark, according to Answers in Genesis, took between 55 to 75 years to build. Once it was constructed, Noah herded the world’s animals, two by two, into the bowels of his vessel, where he tended to them until the flood receded. We have all heard the nursery rhythm.
When you enter the ark there are stalls of animals believed to be replicas of those brought on the ark. Some dinosaur and other creatures you never thought of when you sang the song. You got to wonder how at age 600 Noah was able to build the ark and you are reminded that people lived much longer back then. Crazy to think. The Ark is huge, well designed, and very well done. Wear your walking shoes because it’s 3 decks of walking but the smooth floors make for easy walking.
My favorite part was getting our photo taken at the huge “salvation” doors. There are many photo opportunities and I just loved the large topiary animals too.
There are plenty of rest rooms, a big gift shop and a wonderful buffet at Emzara’s Kitchen with plenty of food options and reasonably priced. Give yourself 2 to 3 hours at least to visit. Many guests stay the whole day. You definitely will get some food for thought as you imagine all that went into living on an ark for 40 days and 40 nights. It’s a perfect get away for any age. I saw a lot of families, grandparents, teens, empty nesters – you name it.
Sometimes you just want to go someplace with a higher meaning and this visit really takes you there.
We enjoyed a visit to Cincinnati first. Located on the Ohio River with Kentucky on the other side. It’s so interesting to find the Cincinnati Airport in Kentucky. The Ohio River truly divides the two states. When in Cincinnati, treat yourself to ice cream at Graeter’s and pizza at Dewey’s.
There’s lots to see in our beautiful country and this one is right up there and just 7 hours away.
Sincerely, Trish
Sincerely, Trish
Tags : Ark, Bible, Know How Tours, Noah
Trish posted on April 27, 2019 at 3:42 pm
I’m calling it the Ark Adventure but it is really the Ark Encounter. Whoops. Trish
Carol posted on April 28, 2019 at 5:30 pm
I love traveling with Know How Tours and especially you. You add humor and inspiration. What an ark.