Summer of 2019. The weather was gorgeous! It started out with a beautiful high school graduation in Pasadena for our niece Lauren. We are so glad we made the trip. What a difference it makes to be there.
It’s so enjoyable to swim outside, make a few trips to the Chautauqua Institute, and the Finger Lakes. The annual MacKenzie Childs Barn Sale was extra special this summer staying at Geneva on the Lake. We enjoyed going to a couple major league baseball games in Pittsburgh and Toronto. I finally went to African Lion Safari and fed giraffes at the Cleveland Zoo. We are so touched by the PAL tennis award “Love to Serve” in memory of Natalie. For the first time, there were four winners. I started making the carrot cake again made famous by my mom.
There were so many happy occasions this summer. Yet, the loss of our standard poodle Rory will be sadly remembered as our biggest shock and sadness of 2019.
Rory had a reaction to the Lepto vaccine and had deadly consequences. Stay alert. All life is fragile. Keep on loving.
Sincerely, Trish
1 Comment
Bonnie posted on September 8, 2019 at 12:26 am
you are so damn relatable.