It’s time for another dog story. Since I am the poodle walker, I have the good fortune to meet other dog walkers. Timing is everything folks. When you go on walks you can only hope you will run into your favorite dogs and those of your dogs. After all, certainly your dogs have friends too. And your dogs certainly hit it off with some dogs more than others. Who knows why. Well, as luck would have it, today we walked with the precious Beauregard. Beauregard, we believe is a cockapoo, but we cannot be certain. This handsome guy was acquired at the Buffalo Animal Shelter at 380 North Oak Street. He was found emaciated, flea infested, and tied to a fence. He was abandoned outside a well known drug house to die. Adopted with love by a neighbor, Beauregard was named (who knows if he even had a name), fattened up (went from 15 pounds to 30 pounds), cleaned up (fluffy no fleas) and was told by the Vet that he was most likely under the age of 2 (by looking at his teeth) and a cockapoo (by his obvious good looks). Remember, everybody has a story and every dog does too.
Carrie Sue posted on October 22, 2013 at 8:02 pm
Oh, he is too cute. I like his name too. What a fins at the shelter. Glad to hear the happy ending. X, CS
Evan posted on October 23, 2013 at 12:43 am
cleans up nicely!
Linda posted on November 1, 2013 at 7:51 pm
We love Beau – he’s as cute and wonderful as his owners. He’s one of Gus and Gracie’s favorite friends! What a perfect ending . . .