I have been to Cape Cod once when I was in my early 20’s, post college and went with my work friends. Funny how you look at things differently 30 plus years later. Oh, the grey clapboard houses, the stones fences, the blue hydrangeas and all the colorful roses. The blues of the water, the cranberry bogs, the salty air and the big white light houses.

Here are a few things I want to share with you about Cape Cod.
- There are street signs that say THICKLY SETTLED. What in the world is thickly settled? Apparently it means speed limit 30 MPH. Go figure.
- Cape Cod was named by Bartholomew Gosnold in 1602, a sea captain from England who simply stated the obvious…it’s a cape filled with cod fish. He is also given credit for giving Martha’s Vineyard it’s name. He had an infant daughter he named Martha and the island was filled with grape vines and thus the name.
- Septic systems are popular in Cape Cod and the trucks that service the systems are affectionally called “Honey Trucks.”
- It’s more expensive to live in Hyannis Port over Hyannis so please don’t confuse them.
- A bumper sticker bonanza began in 1977 to keep McDonalds off Martha’s Vineyard. The bumper stickers read KEEP MAC OFF MARTHA. It worked, you won’t find a McDonalds in Martha’s Vineyard.

Tags : Cape Cod, Know How Tours, Martha's Vineyard
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