I’m finding out that the more you learn about something, the more you understand, and then the more you love it.
I feel that way about our country, the United States of America. History has a way of deepening your appreciation.
I have been to Gettysburg as a kid, I toured it with my girls not too long ago, and just returned again leading a group from Know How Tours.

A a trip to Gettysburg is not a walk on the beach in Florida. It’s a trip that hits you in the heart. This is not a place to just drive through the National Cemetery and say “I saw it.” This is a place to immerse yourself into July of 1863.
The Gettysburg National Military Park Visitor Center is magnificent. The museum itself, and the cyclorama and museum experience movie are not to be missed. Recently updated – it’s a gem. The gift shop and Saloon restaurant receive two thumbs up too.
Our group was treated to a battlefield tour by a guide from the National Park. What a difference a guide can make. His name was Bob. I will not forget him. He personalized the true story of the bloodiest battle.
I also highly recommend visiting the Shriver House and exploring the civilian experience. I didn’t think I would be moved to tears but you know, in life there is no predicting what you may face and how you will overcome.
Imagine, the Civil War was going on for two years before it came to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
During the Civil War, families feared for their husbands, brothers, and sons who were away fighting, and waited for word from them. But for the people of Gettysburg they witnessed the terror first hand. It was terribly unexpected. It was a nightmare right before them. No one could have predicted this.
The summer of 1863, on a hot humid day, one hundred and sixty thousand Union and Confederate soldiers descended on the this little town.
Residents hid in their cellars as cannon balls and bullets boomed. The noise was so loud and the earth shook it was felt and heard all the way to Harrisburg.
Neither side had meant for Gettysburg to be the battle place, but it was here that the bloodiest in American history, with more than 50,000 killed, wounded or missing over three days of fighting — it’s hard to fathom. Think about it, a little over 2,000 people needing to bury, or delivery medical care to 50,000 men. Confederates and Union soldiers wounded filled the courthouse and train station, churches and homes.
For the civilian people of Gettysburg, they would never be the same. It looks months- even years to clean up the town. There were also 5,000 dead horses and mules. People wiped peppermint oil under their noses to mask the horrid stench. It was just so chilling to imagine. The hot humid days turned to rain. Bodies soaked. The steams turned red with blood.
Signs all over South East Pennsylvania read – Every good citizen can be of use. We need help to bury the dead, Clean our streets, and Protect ourselves from disease.
It’s easy to type those numbers of men wounded and killed. Even the horses. Yet each and everyone has a story. I don’t want to miss one.
155 years ago was really not that long ago. My appreciation for Abraham Lincoln and staying united in the country has greatly increased. Please don’t ever let us have a battle on our own land. God bless the USA. Stay United. And visit Gettysburg – even if you already did years ago – it’s worth another visit.
Sincerely, Trish

Tags : Gettysburg, History, Know How Tours, United States
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