My inspiration for today’s post is from a “wish list” I happened to see from a very special high school senior. She wrote down personal goals and the direction that she wanted to go in the New Year. At first, I thought it was going to be a Christmas wish list of gifts….Apple watch, running shoes, Kate Spade purse, even a Herschel backpack …but no, on her list was making a music play list, spending more time in prayer, seeing God in nature and spend more times outdoors. I was so touched. What a beautiful list. In a way, it is a self development list.
What is your wish list? I have asked myself that question.
My wish list is as follows:
1. Appreciate more the people in my life when they are alive and let them know! Recognize their talents and tell them! Make your own hall of fame: induct people in their own way! Emphasize people’s talents, people’s ability to do what they do best. Simply pointing out the good in others. Our world is so beautiful and we need to thank all the people who put in the effort. If someone starts a business…congratulate them. If someone runs a race…be sure to recognize that!
2. Be more organized so that your home is always “Guest worthy”. Always have an open door policy so when anyone drops by, you can focus on them, not cleaning clutter. I know this is something I need to work on.
3. Set priories and stop the distractions. Focus on where you want to go. Everything in life can be accomplished with accountability, toward yourself. Get clear on where you want to go…new job, lose weight, plan a vacation, find an alternative way to generate more income, or start a blog. Invest in yourself to become a more influential person for the good…read more, take a class, learn skills, attend seminars, so that you do not become stagnant. Even the smallest step towards self development is a big step.
4.Plan and schedule more time for dinner out with friends or invite people to come to your home, and cook for them. A meal is always a time to share a peaceful couple of hours. There is nothing like connecting with friends and letting them now how much they matter to you.
5. Leading by example. You do not need to be a leader to set examples for others. You do not need a title to be a leader. Be an example to others where and when you can. Start with your family and do little things for them. It can be as simple as cleaning up after yourself, and doing things for the house. Soon it will rub off on others. Leaders know how to finish a task and motivate others. Not by nagging or commanding, simply by their example.
You will find a wish list to be much more satisfying than any material gift out there. But a Wish List needs to be something you don’t just wish but you make a step forward to make it happen.
Thank you for reading. Make that list!!
Sincerely, Trish
Tags : Holidays, self improvement, wish list
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