It took me this long to go to Texas. Thank you Know How Tours https://www.knowhowtours.com who put together an incredible trip to witness the “spin off” sensation of Chip and Johanna Gaines in Waco. We were there during their annual Silobration and this was the 5th year. It’s incredible. The vibes and goodness fill the air. People come in from all over to meet up and experience the fun together. There are vendors, and the famous Silo cupcakes, the new Magnolia Press Coffee Shop, and the music all have a Christian spin. There is so much to admire about the Chip & Johanna Gaines empire that is growing and growing.
The cool thing is – it is all based on everything we yearn for – family, sitting around a table together, marriage, babies, faith, and loving your neighbor.
It’s truly wonderful to meet such real people who base their life on what’s important, who never left Waco, and hold onto to all what is good in the world.
I hope you get to Waco just to feel the goodness in the air.
Find your Waco. Be real and use the gifts God gave you. By being authentic, you add something wonderful that wasn’t in the world before.
Can you believe Waco was known for the siege of the Branch Davidian compound in 1993. No one thinks of that anymore. Waco is home to Dr. Pepper, Baylor University and Chip and Johanna Gaines. And if you don’t think that one family can change the culture of an entire city – experience Waco.
Sincerely, Trish
Tags : Chip & Johanna Gaines, Magnolia, Silobration, Texas, Waco
1 Comment
Kitty posted on November 7, 2019 at 9:22 pm
I love the story of the 7 sisters.