This past weekend, we ventured to the Detroit, Michigan. Detroit sure has a lot of nicknames…The Motor City, Motown, Hockeytown, The Comeback City, and the list goes on. Don’t you find that people and places with a lot of nicknames tend to be colorful and likable and are distinguishable in certain ways? I almost didn’t mention to some people that we were invited to Detroit because the reputation is not of a vacation destination. Crime, poverty, unemployment, just a bleak place is an unfair reputation that is cast upon Detroit. We need to be reminded that reputations can be unfair.
Scratch the Surface. Visiting Detroit. Wanting More. from Poodlewalker on Vimeo.
What kept popping into my mind was the simple thought…I have just scratched the surface of this city. We think of beaches for vacations, but why not great American cities with roots and history? We only scratched the surface. The Henry Ford museum went far beyond my expectations. It was simply a celebration of America. Seeing all the old Ford plants and the turnstiles you could close your eyes and see and feel the many thousands of former plant workers piling into work.
There was so much more we wanted to learn and discover about Detroit. Again, I kept thinking how much more meaningful and impactful are life is when we deep deeper and not just scratch the surface.
Nothing matters more than our relationship with Our Creator. If you want more substance, spend more time in prayer, refection, reading, and of course in church. No matter where you go, He is there with us waiting and wanting us to enter into a deeper relationship with Him. Thank you Abe and Clare for inviting us to Detroit. It’s an amazing place and you guys are a big reason. It’s so apparent that together you are making people around you better by your example.
You know I like to capture life now with little movies. I hope you’ll give it a viewing.
Sincerely, Trish
Tags : Buffalo, Detroit, Great Lakes, Henry Ford Museum, Scratch the Surface, Travel, Wedding
1 Comment
Ron posted on July 5, 2017 at 8:28 pm
Oh, Trish! Patty! That was absolutely fantastic. I myself, have at times thought that Detroit was a rundown city, that had seen so many so much better days. Now I see that it still thriving, it’s still beautiful, and there is still hope. Thank you very much!