Entertain, Memories, Traditions Save the Cookie Exchange Party From Extinction December 11, 2018

I must admit, when I received an invitation to a Cookie Exchange Party, I let out a loud moan. First of all, who wants to make 3 dozen cookies and exchange for cookies you may not even like. Who could possible be free on a Tuesday before Christmas anyways in the late morning? I just did not respond. Then I received a reminder email – Are you coming to the Christmas Cookie Exchange Party? Please RSVP. I made my move. I said YES.

Well, thank goodness I said YES. It got me talking to my sister who is a master in the kitchen and she told me about a 5 star recipe from King Arthur flour called Molasses Ginger Ale Cookie. Her husband is a fussy eater. Her kids are oh so picky with what they eat. The family was doing back flips over these. What a perfect cookie with a cup of coffee.

I decided to go for it. I made them and suddenly my husband was doing back flips over the cookie too.

Find the winning recipe here.




The Molasses Ginger Ale Cookie. 5 stars.
You end up with a wonderful assortment of cookies.

I had my cookies. It was time for the swap.

To simply walk into a home so cheerfully decorated and filled with ladies wearing plaid, bows and festive scarfs was delightful. The house was filled with laughter, wholesomeness, and cookies galore. Patty, the hostess made breakfast casseroles surrounded by breads and a hot coffee bar. There was a table for the cookies. No one really made a move, it was far more important to connect with your friends that you only see on social media. To sit down and be face to face was a welcome lift. The weather outside was as dreary as can be. We were oblivious to it.

Thank you for hosting Patty in your beautiful home. So festive and fun to be out with friends.


All of us seem to be off carbs and doing some form of keto or paleo and everything else. We have limited ourselves to eating  protein and vegetables and drinking only water. It was such a relief to return to the traditional cookie exchange. Have you purchased cookies lately? If you can find one under a dollar each you found a bargain.


Let’s save the Cookie Exchange Party. Let’s commend the hosts. Thank you for initiating. Thank you to the ladies who dropped everything at work and escaped the office for an hour to connect. Here’s how the cookie exchange party works – Invite a group of friends, and have each person make enough of one kind of cookie to share. At the party, sample the treats, then trade and package them up. Everyone leaves with finished platter.


Save the cookie exchange from extinction. Keep wholesomeness and friendship and time tested traditional cookies in our lives. You didn’t forget how to bake a batch of cookies. Get out the cookie sheet and bring the joy of baking back.


Sincerely, Trish

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