Do you know someone with beautiful cursive handwriting? Praise him or her. It’s a lost talent. Pictured here is Stephanie who has enviable, tasteful, chic, and stylish cursive handwriting. Who doesn’t want to get a hand written note from Stephanie? It’s a thrill. Yep, she owes it to the nuns at St. Thomas Aquinas grade school where penmanship was part of the 2rd grade curriculum. Sure, you remember the work sheets with the little arrows to follow on the paper with dotted lines. Bad news kids–everybody texts today. Kids use keyboards. Kids print. R U there? Teachers don’t have time to teach cursive handwriting because there’s no time. What are we to do? Don’t kids realize how unique our handwriting style is to each of us – like a snowflake or a fingerprint! Up and down, slanted forward, slanted back, loops, curves and bends. Black ink or blue ink. Next time we write a thank you note (wait, that’s a lost knack too) or pull out a scrap paper to write a list; practice cursive writing. When was the last time you wrote a capital Q? IMHO, TTYL, THX. (In my humble opinion, talk to you later and thanks). Where’s the bounce and style in that?
Tags : cursive writing
1 Comment
Carrie Sue posted on October 26, 2013 at 5:05 pm
I like her jewelry too.