Traditions are important to all of us because they help bond us together. Look at the Kentucky Derby showcasing the beauty of Kentucky, the big hats on the ladies, the mint juleps, and the singing of “My Old Kentucky Home”. There’s the garland of roses, cigar smells in the air, and the thrill of watching the fastest horses in the world. Traditions keep this country strong, celebrate our freedom and create lasting memories. It was such a memorable experience to lead a group to the Kentucky Derby this year. We visited Bourbon distilleries, the Louisville Slugger Factory and various horse farms. We experienced authentic Kentucky dinners and even stopped at Kroger Grocery Store to stock up on Derby pies. The biggest lesson that I came home with was the ability to let go. It just poured on Derby Day and there was nothing that anyone could do to change it. It is out of our hands. Learning to let go of trying to control situations, people, weather, results or events is fruitless. It is all up to how we respond. When we made the decision to get soaked and take in all the races and have fun it was a turning point. Don’t care about the rain, or hats, and getting soaked. Just care that you are there!
Sincerely, Trish
Tags : Kentucky Derby 2018, Know How Tours, Kroger, Louisville Slugger, Run For The Roses
Mary posted on May 17, 2018 at 1:07 am
Hi Poodles,
Your movies are the best. I usually feel like crying for some reason but happy tears of understanding what you are saying. I hope you splashed in puddles. Enjoy your Lazy Boy in 2019. LOL
trish posted on May 17, 2018 at 11:40 am
Hi Mary.
Thank you for the great comment! I checked the weather multiple times a day beginning 10 days before. I was certain it was going to be 72 and sunny. You have no control over the weather. We will certainly never forget this Derby!