Recently at mass, our pastor Fr. Joe spoke of a text message he received from one of his friends after a heartwarming funeral of a mutual friend. The funeral mass was as crowded as the 4:30pm Christmas Eve mass because this man impacted so many by living a good life. The text message simply read “I want to be a better person”. Fr. Joe knew his friend was inspired by the funeral and said ” start by saying ‘I’m sorry ‘ and ‘thank you’ more often.” Hummm. He went on to say, start with your spouse and family since they are the ones who probably hear it the least and should hear it the most. Fr. Joe added to avoid the expression “whatever” and “whatev” because what you are actually saying is “I don’t care”. If you want to be a better person, try something straightforward, honest to goodness, undecorated and underused. “I’m sorry” and “Thank you”.
Oh, and thank you for reading this post.
Tags : Faith
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