The Clarendon Halloween Party Cancelled? No Way.
There are some things that you think will just go on forever. The Clarendon Place Halloween Party is just one of those things. It has been going strong since its debut in 1946. We’ve thought we had faced it all; snow storms, pouring rain and gusty winds. 2020 would have been our 74th year. Let the traditions continue! Yet our country is battling Covid19 and our NY governor has outlawed gatherings of 50 or more. What? What about the traditional char broiled Sahlen hot dogs? The hamburgers? The chocolate milk? The hot chocolate? The donut holes? The cider? The potato chips? The menu doesn’t change because it’s been perfected. When perhaps a new neighbor arrives on the street and suggests possibly pizza, popcorn and pop, the roars from the long standing residents proclaim – “Don’t mess with the menu.”

The other big tradition is the parade. The bagpiper begins at the top of the street and the kids and parents of the young age 0 to 3 years line up with excitement. The next age group age 4 to 7 years, age 8 to 10 years and finally age 11 and older playfully walk down the street past the judges who are generally the empty nesters on the street. The finish line offers the reward of delicious hot dogs straight from the grill.
The DJ announces the winners and each year we are treated to the creativity of our neighborhood children many in homemade costumes.

The Clarendon Place Halloween Party is definitely a selling point to buying a house on the Street. It really is a chance to watch “our” children grow up before our eyes and to touch base with our neighbors beyond the quick wave and hello.
Childhood friends remain with you for life, and it is so heartwarming to watch toddlers on the street grow up to become each other’s prom dates. (Our son had the neighbor across the street serve as his best man) The children attend a variety of schools on the street and it really adds a wonderful dimension to have friends from different schools.

I always found it interesting that you only chair the Halloween Party once while you live on the street. That means you are responsible for obtaining the permits, renting the grills, securing the DJ, shopping for food and prizes and what we considered the worst part – storing all the tables, lights, and miscellaneous items in your basement or garage. But, again, it’s just one time and you can always count on everyone to help.

There are so many memories from past years. I remember the street singing Happy Birthday to Mrs. Pollard when she turned 100 and came out on her porch with her trick or treat candy.
I remember the 70th anniversary party because the cakes were so delicious and Channel 7 was there to cover it all.

New channels from all networks have covered the party. They come to feature a story on our close knit street that carries on this treasured tradition. And you can always count on some politicians doing last minute campaigning.

You always remember memorable costumes, the little conversations over donut holes and cider, and just connecting for a couple hours with all ages.
I am certainly looking forward to the 2021 Halloween Party to savor the sounds of children laughter, the smell of char broiled hot dogs, and the hugs and smiles of neighbors. For good neighbors, without a doubt improve the quality of your life.

Tags : Block Party, Halloween, Hot Dogs, Neighbors
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