I have been feeling very unmotivated lately even though it is the beginning of a new year. Malaise is turning into lazz-iness.
It’s been so cold and snowy and my usual twice a day walks have not happened and it’s hard to get motivated to go to the gym when you have to warm up your car and brush off the snow.
Please enjoy the short movie.
Then it came to me, throw your sneakers in the car when you are running your errands and stop at the mall and start walking!
Mall walking is great. It has an even surface, it’s temperature controlled and protects you from the outside weather and it has the most interesting scenery. You can really get a good stride going. You don’t need any special equipment except a good pair of sneakers. You can walk at your own pace. It’s safe and there is even mall security. Let me add, the hours are long and it’s absolutely free.
I started to notice other mall walkers. They are easy to spot. They leave their coat in the car, they are wearing sneakers, and you tend to see them over and over. Men and women are mall walkers. Chances are they are over 50. Some walk as couples, some walk with friends, some walk alone, but one thing is for sure, mall walkers are focused. They are at the mall for one reason and that is to walk an hour (or whatever is their goal) and nothing will stop them. You can try to tempt them with 70% 0ff signs in the window but they will not bend.
The more I walked the more I got distracted and spotted sale signs, and looked for a place to get something to drink. I looked around at the Kiosks. I lost interest. Yet, I started respecting the mall walkers. Nothing is going to stop them. We should all be like mall walkers as we go through life. Focused. Determined. Jeans and sweatshirt with white sneakers. Life throws us temptations all the time. I am not just referring to buying new clothes. The worst temptation on earth is to dwell in our own unhappiness. Let’s hear it for the mall walkers who stay the course. Woo Hoo. I got some bargains. Extra 60% off. And, I’m back on my walking course!
Happy January.
Sincerely, Trish
Tags : Buffalo, Cold, Fitness, Focus, january, Mall Walking, Stay the Course, Temptations
Bonnie B posted on January 17, 2018 at 3:56 am
SO true Trish, the world is filled with temptations and we must stay on track even though it is not always fun, or glamorous like mall walking but if you stay on track you win in this life. Thank you.
trish posted on January 17, 2018 at 4:00 am
Thank you for your insight. That is the message! It’s not always easy and this world throws us non stop temptations. But if we stay on course, focus and keep our eye on eternity and not give in – we will have everlasting joy. Thanks for reading. Sincerely, Trish
Jean M posted on January 19, 2018 at 2:12 am
I laughed so hard. Thanks. So good.