A funny thing happened on my way home from work one day. I stopped into Carriage Trade Bakery at 1654 Elmwood Avenue and picked myself up a delicious cut out cookie. I noticed the dog biscuits and picked up a couple of those too. When I got home, just a couple minutes later, we were all happy and waging our tails. Before you knew it, I was stopping in more and more to pick up just one little goodie (almond biscotti, sticky bun, cinnamon roll, and still my favorite – the cut out cookie and dog biscuits). What a place! So charming. So delicious. I got to know the little family. The owners are Andy and Shandra and their daughter Devan. Now who the heck cannot resist their daughter who eats the dog biscuits for an after school snack? Why not? The biscuits are made from whole wheat flour, milk powder, wheat germ, and a touch of brown sugar. They sell for 50 cents each. Shandra said that it’s natural to want to buy your best friend a treat when you buy something for yourself. So many customers walk their dog and tie them out front and that is how the whole idea of making all natural dog biscuits started. Look for the red neon sign that says OPEN and walk on in. The cut out cookies featured now are butterflies and flowers. That will get you in the spring of things.

Tags : Buffalo, carriage trade, dog biscuits, elmwood avenue
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