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This is my 3rd addition of my One Second a Day video! It’s my favorite project that I do. One second of each day from April 9, 2019 to April 9, 2020. Who would ever believe that we would be in quarantine now since the beginning of March? These One Second A Day videos have always helped me realize what I prioritize in my life – my mom, faith, the dogs, friends, food. Now, with this time off, we can all ask ourselves what we want to change when we return back to life as we had before.
In 2017, I began my first One Second A Day Video as a reminder of all that happens during a year. We all know that time flies and I did not want to forget one second of each day. It was an eye opener on how much really happens in one year.
Our years tend to roll together but so much really happens and you simply forget. The highs and the lows. The everyday simple joys. This year we had the unexpected death of our poodle Rory, the shocking death of my brother in law Andy, and the end of the year death of my mom, all they all took their toll. Yet our faith tells us that God brings good out of everything if we place out trust in Him. We celebrated a new puppy and the birth of our first grandchild and many wonderful new adventures in this beautiful world.
Our first time experiencing NYC at Christmas and seeing the Rockettes, our visit to Pasadena for our nieces high school graduation, trips to DC, my first visit to Texas, and the everyday joy of talking our dogs for a walk and raising a new puppy.
We certainly have learned from this covid19 virus not to put things off, your relationships with God, loving your spouse and family, loving your neighbor, traveling and giving thanks for the goodness on earth.

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It’s always worth it to make the effort. It’s always worth giving thanks for this life. Aren’t you so appreciative to every memory? We can plan all we want, but there are always things you don’t plan on happening either.
This edition is especially poignant as we wonder if life will return to what we have known for so long. I’m certain the “best of” will remain.
Make each second count.
Love, Trish
Tags : One Second A Day, Quarentine 2019-2020, Time
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