There are certain people in all of our lives that makes us look better. They contribute a lot by sharing their thoughts, introducing you to new things and doing things for you that no one really knows about. But you do. And you know no one can take their place. My daughter Caroline is that person who definitely contributes a lot to my life and introduces me to wonderful things. For example, she recently introduced me to…vegenaise.

Wait, what is vegenaise? It is a mayonnaise without the guilt. It is an mayo using only expeller-pressed oils. It has the smooth creamy texture of mayo without any of the artificial ingredients, trans fats or preservatives.
You cannot help but notice how much Gwyneth Paltrow likes to use it either.
In her cookbook “It’s All Good” , Gwyneth says “basically cannot live without vegenaise – it’s a little out of control.” She even admits to schlepping it with them if they are going somewhere that doesn’t have it. Ok, I’m game to try it. It’s tasty too.

She calls for it in her green goodness salad dressing. My, my. It’s a lot of gathering up of fresh herbs (basil, chives, cilantro, parsley, & tarragon), scallions, avocado, vegenaise, raw honey, lemon, olive oil, water, and salt and pepper. Mix all that in a blender and puree till it’s the green goodness masterpiece for your salad, or your cut veggies.

Here is to a healthy you. Here is to a healthy new salad dressing. Here is to 2017.
We all feel so much better when we feed our body the good green stuff.
A homemade salad dressing is so worth the time to make.
Try some vegenaise! And thank you Caroline and Gwyneth for your contributions. Cheers.
Sincerely, Trish
Tags : daughter, Gwyneth Paltrow, healthy, It's All Good, salad dressing, Vegenaise, veggies
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