As an extension to my blog, I have decided to add some audio.
It may sound that I am in a tin can but perfection is not the goal. I am going for authentic real stories.
My life changed last year and every day, every minute, people’s live’s change. In the craziness of life, we all strive for a connection between one another to not feel alone. I want to bring that connection to people, when they need it, and even when they think they don’t. My vision is to fill the audio with stories and inspiration on how to go on when the unthinkable happens. Every day is someone’s day one on the journey. We must honor that, be attune to that, and support one another when we need it. We all touch so many more lives than we realize. With that in mind, I wanted to add voices to my audio section, and incorporate guests to share their experiences, connect with all of you, and gain the courage to talk about feelings we often hold back.
Episode 1. The Head Nod. Guest Julie Gielowski.
Episode 2. Childhood Friends. Guest Alex Dockstader
Episode 3. Never Miss A Chance. Guest Rachel Michalek
Episode 4. The Homemade Card. Guest Verna Mattimore