Faith, Family Middle School Hero January 24, 2017

How did we ever get through middle school? The exclusions, the awkwardness of growing up, and the strong desire to fit in with our peers. How did we as parents ever hold our tounge and not tell off the kids and parents of the kids who hurt our kids? Please refrain! Nothing comes across worse than an angry parent getting involved. Let the kids work it out and you’ll be glad you did. They will be friends again and you can never take back angry words. Friendships are more important than losing your cool.

In the middle school years, the kids are still kids but need to act cool because they are growing up. All they want to do is fit in and being left out of a party or social gathering is very hurtful especially when it’s splashed all over social media. Kids want to dress cool and certainly don’t want public praise. That’s mortifying. Remember, kids this age just want to fit in and not called out on stage. Whoops, we had to make an exception and call out a 7th grader onto the stage.

Colleen in the middle of our family. Parents of Colleen join us to the right. Congratulations!

Our family is so honored and humbled to have an award named after our daughter Natalie that is given to a 7th grader in the Buffalo area Diocese who demonstrates dedication to bring happiness to people through acts of kindness. The first award winner is Colleen Hennessy of Immaculate Conception School of Allegany County.

Most Reverend Richard J Malone, Bishop of Buffalo joins Colleen Hennessy for a photo.

Listen to Colleen.

Colleen could not be more adorable with a big smile and a beautiful essay written by her principal, Mrs. Nora Burdick, that would make her blush. When you meet a gem like this girl, you just want to hold her tight and thank her for making a difference. There were 2 things that jumped out at me that made me think of what she has in common with Natalie. Colleen is described as wise beyond her years and always there for the parish to altar serve. Natalie would also see things that others normally wouldn’t and was always available to altar serve at St. Rose of Lima parish the funerals that would take place during school hours. She enjoyed serving and hearing about the life of the deceased and I look back and think how this gave her wisdom in how fleeting life is and to not waste a moment doing good.  I wonder if Colleen has any idea, or if anyone of us has any idea, how much influence we have on others by all our little actions. Folks, it doesn’t take much…just a simple smile, a little compliment, or asking if you want to join in on a project. Congratulations Colleen. Keep it up. Kindness can change the world.





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